Kindle Probs: A step-by-step guide to finding your Kindle email address + Getting a Kindle email address + Approving senders to your Kindle email address

If you’re reading this, it’s because you want a free book ARC but have no idea how to do one or more of the following:

  1. Find your Kindle email address
  2. Get a Kindle email address
  3. Approve senders to your Kindle email address

Never fear. I’ve got you covered. Below you’ll find a step-by-step guide on how to find your Kindle email address, set one up if you don’t already have one, and approve senders so you can get free book ARCS!

Directions #1 — You have an Amazon account and a Kindle/Kindle app but don’t know where the Kindle email address is.

  1. Sign into your account.
  2. On the top right menu, hover the mouse over the words “Accounts & Lists
  3. A list titled “Your Account” will pop up. Scroll down and click on “Your Content and Devices
  4. A new page with three tabs will pop up. Click the middle tab labeled “Your Devices
  5. If you have a Kindle or the Kindle app, an icon for it will pop up! Click the icon (so it’s selected with a red square). Once you do this, the special Kindle email address Amazon has given you will show up below. It will look something like this “Email: (Your Amazon User Name)
  6. Copy that email address! It’s the one I need to send you a free ARC!
  7. Now follow Directions #3 to learn how to add my email to the list of approved Kindle senders.

Directions #2 — You do/don’t have an Amazon account and you don’t have a Kindle or the Kindle app.

    You’re gonna need to sign up for a free Amazon account so you can download the free Kindle app! It’s easy and there is no credit card required!

  1. Go to and sign up for an account!
  2. Once you have an account, sign into it.
  3. On the top right menu, hover the mouse over the words: Accounts & Lists.
  4. A list titled “Your Account” will pop up. Scroll down and click on: Your Content and Devices.
  5. A new page with three tabs will pop up. Click the middle tab labeled: Your Devices.
  6. You’ll see a white page with the words: You don’t have any devices registered. Buy a Kindle or get the free Kindle reading app. Click: free Kindle reading app.
  7. It will direct you to a new page and show you options for download depending on where you want to use the app. This can be phone, computer or a tablet etc. There is even an option for simply typing in your phone number and having them deliver the app to you. #fancy
  8. Follow the directions for where you want the app. Once you do this, you’ll have a Kindle email address that you can find it by following the steps under Directions #1.
  9. Now follow Directions #3 to learn how to add my email to the list of approved Kindle senders.

Directions #3 — You don’t know how to approve a Kindle email sender.

    Once you have your Kindle email address, you’re going to have to approve my email address so that I can send you free ARCs. This is easy!

  1. Sign into your account
  2. On the top right menu, hover the mouse over the words: Accounts & Lists.
  3. A list titled “Your Account” will pop up. Scroll down and click on: Your Content and Devices.
  4. A new page with three tabs will pop up. Click the far right tab labeled: Settings.
  5. Scroll down and click on: Personal Document Settings
  6. Under “Approved Personal Document E-mail List” click: Add a new approved e-mail address
  7. Enter: AdoreIanRomance [at] gmail [dot] com then click: Add Address
  8. That’s it! You’re all done!


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