Kindle Probs: A step-by-step guide to finding your Kindle email address + Getting a Kindle email address + Approving senders to your Kindle email address
If you’re reading this, it’s because you want a free book ARC but have no idea how to do one or more of the following:
- Find your Kindle email address
- Get a Kindle email address
- Approve senders to your Kindle email address
Never fear. I’ve got you covered. Below you’ll find a step-by-step guide on how to find your Kindle email address, set one up if you don’t already have one, and approve senders so you can get free book ARCS!
Directions #1 — You have an Amazon account and a Kindle/Kindle app but don’t know where the Kindle email address is.
- Sign into your account.
- On the top right menu, hover the mouse over the words “Accounts & Lists”
- A list titled “Your Account” will pop up. Scroll down and click on “Your Content and Devices”
- A new page with three tabs will pop up. Click the middle tab labeled “Your Devices”
- If you have a Kindle or the Kindle app, an icon for it will pop up! Click the icon (so it’s selected with a red square). Once you do this, the special Kindle email address Amazon has given you will show up below. It will look something like this “Email: (Your Amazon User Name)”
- Copy that email address! It’s the one I need to send you a free ARC!
- Now follow Directions #3 to learn how to add my email to the list of approved Kindle senders.
Directions #2 — You do/don’t have an Amazon account and you don’t have a Kindle or the Kindle app.
- You’re gonna need to sign up for a free Amazon account so you can download the free Kindle app! It’s easy and there is no credit card required!
- Go to and sign up for an account!
- Once you have an account, sign into it.
- On the top right menu, hover the mouse over the words: Accounts & Lists.
- A list titled “Your Account” will pop up. Scroll down and click on: Your Content and Devices.
- A new page with three tabs will pop up. Click the middle tab labeled: Your Devices.
- You’ll see a white page with the words: You don’t have any devices registered. Buy a Kindle or get the free Kindle reading app. Click: free Kindle reading app.
- It will direct you to a new page and show you options for download depending on where you want to use the app. This can be phone, computer or a tablet etc. There is even an option for simply typing in your phone number and having them deliver the app to you. #fancy
- Follow the directions for where you want the app. Once you do this, you’ll have a Kindle email address that you can find it by following the steps under Directions #1.
- Now follow Directions #3 to learn how to add my email to the list of approved Kindle senders.
Directions #3 — You don’t know how to approve a Kindle email sender.
- Once you have your Kindle email address, you’re going to have to approve my email address so that I can send you free ARCs. This is easy!
- Sign into your account
- On the top right menu, hover the mouse over the words: Accounts & Lists.
- A list titled “Your Account” will pop up. Scroll down and click on: Your Content and Devices.
- A new page with three tabs will pop up. Click the far right tab labeled: Settings.
- Scroll down and click on: Personal Document Settings
- Under “Approved Personal Document E-mail List” click: Add a new approved e-mail address
- Enter: AdoreIanRomance [at] gmail [dot] com then click: Add Address
- That’s it! You’re all done!
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